WebArchiveX Component Set


Samples | Changelog | API

Ever thought how "Save as Web Archive (MHT)" works? 

Ever thought how "Save as Web Archive (MHT)" works? Ever wanted to extract this functionality from Internet Explorer and incorporate it in your own applications? Ever needed a super-easy-to-install module that doesn't depend on any other program or library? If the answer is yes WebArchiveX™ Component was designed especially for you.

WebArchiveX builds web archives (MHT)* and it does it much better than "Save as web archive MHT" of Microsoft Internet Explorer! Rich WebArchiveX API lets you tap the functionality of professional web archiving from your own application within minutes. WebArchiveX COM is a full-featured flexible tool that, unlike Internet Explorer, works independently of any other program software or library.  

WebArchiveX can be used in any type of application and is compatible with a wide range of programming languages and environments. This help provides samples for .NET C#, C++, Java Script, Visual Basic and ASP (Active Server Pages). WebArchiveX package includes sample projects for C++ and Visual Basic. 

Please see the WebArchiveX samples page to get a quick impression of what WebArchiveX does.

Kindly refer to Appendix A for a brief history of WebArchiveX.

With WebArchiveX you can:

WebArchiveX API fully supports:

Minimal Requirements

Please note that WebArchiveX doesn't use MFC. In order to compile our test projects you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 (SP5) or higher.


We would like to jointly thank the following people for their valuable help:

* Web Archive MHT is a single file that, unlike regular HTML, embodies all needed resources such as frames, linked documents, images, style sheets and scripts. In fact you can store whole websites into a single web archive MHT. Web archive MHT is an Internet standard for sending HTML documents within MIME formatted archives/messages. HTML documents, images, scripts etc. are included as body parts and are referenced by URLs in the archive/message. Packing web pages into MHT web archive avoids problems such as missing images, styles or scripts when you publish your documents on the Web or send them by email.


- WebArchiveX API - WebArchiveX Website - C Systems Website

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